Dedderz Masterz of Dreadwave Banner 2016

Videoworld The Motionless Picture ComicBook - OUT NOW!

Videoworld The Motionless Picture ComicBook - OUT NOW!
Videoworld The Motionless Picture ComicBook - OUT NOW!

Dedderz Come_Alive Album OUT NOW!

Entertainment Newz from the 'other' other-side


Dedderz Mutant Generated MOD Newz

Dedderz Mutant Generated MOD Newz

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sister I'd Like To Fuck

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Sunday, May 20, 2012

MEGAHED Sayz Read This Article

Serial pranksters are thought to be behind a number of recent disruptions to Sydney’s media.

The hackers, known only as MEGA HED, have been illegally broadcasting messages across community TV and radio stations, and are also suspected of spamming thousands of internet users with hateful emails.

The disruptions have only been minor - with each disturbance not lasting more than a few seconds - but have been enough to irk some. Campbelltown resident Mr Beau Gann was watching a local television station last weekend when the head suddenly appeared on the screen.

“I woz watchin’ Aerobics Oz Style when all of a suddenz the screen flickers and this bloody ugly head pulls isself out the instructor’s right tit and starts screaming like a maniac. ‘Mega Hed sez: You’re all slaves to the Master System!!’ and ‘Mega Hed sez: Mutant Punks must be destroyed!’. I figured it was them work experience kids they always have at those shitty stations playing around or sumfink. Little bastards.”

Partygoers in Sydney’s Kings Cross last Friday night also reported seeing the famous Coke-sign at the start of the red light strip change briefly to show what appeared to be a giant disembodied head screaming vitriol at passers by, the words “MEGA HED SEZ BLOW YR LOADZ!!” flashing in angry red letters at the bottom of the screen. And patrons at a nearby rave claimed that in between sets a large head would appear on the video screens telling those in attendance to masturbate without regard for their fellow man. Police have dismissed all claims as the rantings of horny drugged up loonies. And while they have thus far been unable to track down the persons responsible for the disturbances they are strongly advising people against public acts of self-gratification, with offenders to be punished to the full extent of the law. A bill to put up signs prohibiting the act is to be presented to the NSW Government tomorrow.

Words: Spewy Chunxx

Come Alive FRIDAY 13th JULY

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clone Encounters

(Lyric Sheet)

You've heard the song now read this tomorrow tale from the infinite streets of Citizen Clone… 

Listen 2 Close Encounters by Citizen Clone here !

Joystixx Go BAD !

Joystixx Go BAD !

Listen to BAD Channel's 15 Minutes Waste of FAME MEga MiX !

This month sees rebel static-spinners BAD Channel, Team-Up with JoyStixx, those DJS of Superhuman Size & Strength, in a X-Over Amalgamation of epic proportions !

A sinister partnership between evil, soul-sucking corporations, EXORTEK / ZORP and DREAMEGA, sends BAD Channel reeling into the disintegrating virtual dark arcade dimension of JoyStixx.*

*See Joystixx THE BOGUS DEVASTATION MELTDOWN OF 1990. (Audio Adventure)

Bad Channel were reportedly seen spinning discs in reverse in an effort to make contact with the other side…

However, their digital back masking hi-jinx turned their world inside out, causing a rift between dimensions, phasing into a confusing cross-road snuff-stream and sending them spinning into the slime-meridian portal time-stream thru to the virtual slip-stream of DREAMEGA’S Arcade, where the Children of the Arcade, JoyStixx reside.

Immediately, the 2 teams of dread-jockeys lock heads and bang-on with each other, before realising they are on the same side…

Now, their only chance of escape is to team-up and take down the mysterious big-headed-boss-man who is encaging them in the Dark Arcade Parlour…

Thru a chance bonus round, the heroes are upgraded…

BAD Channel & Joystixx eject out of control thru a virtual reality wormhole, finding themselves on Earth, in Stereo City to be exact – Homeworld of DEDDERZ.

However, crossing between the slip streams twisted their forms and amalgamated their bodies into a new form of merged mega-madness…

Now, its game on as these JOYSTIXX GONE BAD find themselves amidst a new level of perilous adventure, taking to the streets of present day Stereo City in their newly formatted bodies…


YOU CAN WITNESS JOYSTIXX GO BAD ! FOR YOURSELF … as they play along side DEDDERZ in the Live Action Stage Show, that sees the tranz-dimensional power-pack launching their latest audio adventure album, CrashLand, in a debutant showcase performance… taking place in Sydney at THE BURDEKIN (2 Oxford Street) on Friday 29th June, 2012.


Listen to BAD Channel's 15 Minutes Waste of FAME MEga MiX !

Tuesday, May 15, 2012



CrashLand Album Launch.

An ALL NEW LIVE ACTION Performance by DEDDERZ ! Showcasing tracks from their Streets of 2099 EP & CrashLand Album release.

Plus a special BAD Channel / Joystixx Live Hyrbid Electro Set featuring Skull Dancer Go-Go Girls and MC’d by Vid Vicious 2.0 & Nancy X !

DEDDERZ - LIVE ! At the Burdekin (2 Oxford St, Sydney) - Friday 29th June 2012 - Your New Mutant Freak-Friendly Night Spot !

 Dedderz is the new spin-off act by Manek Deboto & Nuke Puke ‘Em of Dead Inside the Chrysalis. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Shaky Kane & DEDDERZ in the Bulletproof Coffin

DEDDERZ' Manek Deboto & Nuke Puke 'Em's first ride into mainstream comic book pop culture comes courtesy of Shaky Kane, David Hine & Image Comics (Home of Spawn, Savage Dragon, The Darkness, The Walking Dead & Rob Zombie's El Super Beasto, to name just a few).

The DEDDERZ pair make their appearance between panels via the cut-up, subliminal verses of the pop cultural, interactive masterpiece that is David Hine & Shaky Kane's The Bulletproof Coffin… 

Becoming fans of each other's work via their Facebook pages and sharing a common love of alternate  cultural stand-outs, such as Troma, Full Moon Entertainment & Sigue Sigue Sputnik… 

(Manek Deboto recently remixing several of Martin Degville's Sigue Sigue Sputnik Electronic outputs… )

The Bulletproof Coffin is available at all fine comic book stores and 

Note: Dedderz appear in issues #4 & #5 of The Bulletproof Coffin: Disinterred 

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