Dedderz Masterz of Dreadwave Banner 2016

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Dedderz BAD DREAMS New Single OUT NOW

A Nu Wave of Dread Awakens... In the form of Dedderz new single, “Bad Dreams”.

From the Masterz of Dreadwave comes a sonically sinister bedtime story inspired by recent virtual events - and based on fears forged by nightmarish visions that haunt our everyday existence.

Download on Bandcamp:

Stream on Spotify:

Open on Spotify:


Embedded with elements of 80’s Hard Rock & Heavy Metal, haunted guitar leads, demon-driving drum design, David Cronenberg-esque body horror movie themes, cyber-fantastical, dark synth Slime & Sorcery, all Id-hanced by the chilling, maniacal, primordial, ecto-plasmic, dream-screams of ‘alien rockstar possessed’ lead singer, Marky Maniax.

Like a lost song from the haunted soundtrack to a Found Footage film featuring your worst nightmares - caught on tape!

Bad Dreams is Dedderz most defining ‘dreadwave’ sounding track to date.
Its Out Now on Dedderz_Discz - Music’s Missing Link!

Thankz 4 Listening, Adios!

- Manek n' Nuke, Dedderz

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dedderz "Bad Dreams" New Single Teaser

New Dedderz Single “Bad Dreams” Awakens on May 29, 2020.

The next wave of Dread is about to hit, when bad dreams come true....

BAD DREAMS - The New Single from the Masterz of Dreadwave, #dedderz awakens on all your fave digital platforms & streaming services THIS FRIDAY May, 29th 2020. @dedderz_music #dedderz

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