In the tradition of Andy Warhol's Exploding Plastic Inevitable... comes the artistic purge of Vid Vicious Goes To Hell 2.0 (featuring Dedderz' Manek n' Nuke).
LIVE on the DETH-GRID! Dreadcast Direct from the Phantom Port of Network X -- Your Mutant Generation Super Station... via Dedderz' Electriclub: ACCESS DENIED, TranZ-Dimensional Nightclub Fortress and Featuring the Mutant Generation Super Collective.
Starring Dedderz DreadJockeyz, Manek Deboto as Vid Vicious 2.0 & Nuke Puke 'Em as Cassettra and the Go-Glow Skull Girl Strip Show that is, Trikk.
"Vid Vicious Goes To Hell 2.0"
Featuring tracks by:
Black Matter - Fury
Caspa / Keith Flint - War
Judge Bitch - Thunderground
Perturbator -- I Am the Night
Dedderz / Vid Vicious 2.0 -- Demons [Dedderz Demon ReAnimation]
Brian Wiacek -- Training For Battle (from Manborg: Movie Soundtrack via Astron-6)
Joystixx -- Surf Nazis Must DJ!
Dedderz -- Bandwidth Exceeded
Ethan Hurt & Dedderz - Nuke 'Em! (feat. Nuke Puke 'Em)
(from Return To Nuke 'Em High via Troma)
Full Moon Features - Trancers / Future Cop Theme
Dedderz tracks available via Electricult -
Get Dedderz Plush movie track, Bandwidth Exceeded, here -
All other content copyright their original creators.
Visual ReAnimations by MY PET ZOMBIE.
Future Freak Fashion by SUICIDE SALON -