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Entertainment Newz from the 'other' other-side


Dedderz Mutant Generated MOD Newz

Dedderz Mutant Generated MOD Newz

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Vicious Salutations Vid Roxx the Vicious Salute

And so the Vidiot does it again... Vid spotted pop-rockin' tha Vicious Vulcan Hand Salute with his ominous cyber-fist power-glove... and is that an upturned Star Trek starfleet insignia, turned upside down into a 'V'?

Vid tells it like it is: "... that's a V for Video Vicious!"

Nerderz Beware! Pledge your allegiance to nerdom everywhere! Flip the Vulcan... U heard it here first from the Dedderz-Side - the 'other' other-side.

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